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Spotlight on PAL Pensions’ Micro Pension Savings Plan New AVC Guidelines and RSA Mortgage Product Micro Pensions: Empowering the Informal Sector for a Better Tomorrow

In Nigeria, the informal sector accounts for a significant portion of the workforce, yet many workers lack access to traditional pension schemes. This leaves them vulnerable as they age, without a financial safety net to rely on. Micro pensions are a powerful solution to this challenge, providing a flexible and accessible way for informal workers to save for the future.

The importance of micro pensions cannot be overstated. They bridge the gap between financial inclusion and retirement security, offering informal workers the opportunity to contribute small, regular amounts towards their retirement. This approach is perfectly suited to the unique financial circumstances of these workers, who often have irregular incomes and limited access to formal financial services. By making consistent contributions, they can build a substantial fund over time, ensuring they are protected from poverty in their later years.

Everyone deserves the peace of mind that comes with knowing their future is protected, and through micro pensions, millions of Nigerians in the informal sector to secure a better tomorrow.

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